Outdoor Education Reflection
1. What do you remember best from Outdoor Ed this year? The thing I remember best from outdoor ed this year is the canoe trip that our class took on the river. I remember this the best because I learnt the most during this trip. I learnt how to work as a team as we were tested with the strong winds, heat, and rapids. I learnt to communicate with my team and tell the stern if I see any rocks, strainers or sweepers. I also learnt how to tell which is the best path by locating a v created by the water. This v shows a safe path for the canoe to travel through. This trip taught me many lessons such as; trips don’t always go to plan, how to persevere, and how to improve based on my mistakes. 2. What challenged you the most from this past year in Outdoor Ed? What challenged me the most during this year was organizing the “Frostbite Games” at the beginning of the year. The “Frostbite Games” was a mini Olympic Games that we set up for the Grade 7 and 8s. This challenged me the most becau...